I’m Carrigan McCatty
A .pdf of my resume can be found here.
Detroit, MI
[email protected]
☻Content management ☻Training ☻Platform migrations
☻Digital/ technical writing ☻Web design ☻Photoshop
☻Department liaison ☻Asset production ☻Queue coordinating
January 2015 - PRESENT
CDK Global, Detroit - Web Design Specialist I
Create digital assets for GM dealership websites.
Have assisted for several other OEMs, such as Volkswagen and Hyundai.
Served in several different roles within this position:
Content Liaison
Assist in department communications between the customer facing and production teams.
Training several new hires in the customer facing department on the most effective communication methods to employ with production teams.
Deliver bi-monthly presentations on specialized production department topics.
Department Trainer
Instruct new hires on the responsibilities, processes, and best practices associated with their role as a production team member.
Assisting with the onboarding process, and mentoring new employees as the adjust to their everyday roles within the department.
Develop materials and a training schedule when there was previously only verbal instructions to assist with training new employees.
Next Gen SME
Assist those in customer facing departments and from within the production departments with a new platform rollout.
Help coordinate and communicate with the production team on discovering bugs.
Spoke with our development team on what the product team desires out of the platform.
Queue Coordinator
Verified that case requests were legitimate and workable.
Coordinated between departments on best practices for cases.
Ensured that OEM requirements and rules were enforced, and cases were compliant.
January 2011 - May 2014
Michigan State University, East Lansing, MI - Professional Writing
Graduated in 2014 with a focus on digital technical writing and marketing. During my time at Michigan State I helped coordinate a music festival, run a monthly newsletter for my co-operative organization, and assisted Ryan Building Materials with their website.